Direction of Arrival Estimation in the presence of Scatterer in noisy environment

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T. Aslam
I. Ahmed
M. I. Aslam
S. M. U. Ali
T. Malik


We present an algorithm to estimate direction of arrival (DOA) of an incoming wave received at an array antenna in the scenario where the incoming wave is contaminated by the additive white Gaussian noise and scattered by arbitrary shaped 3D scatterer(s). We present different simulation examples to show the validity of the proposed method. It is observed that the proposed algorithm is capable of closely estimating the DOA of an incoming wave irrespective of the shape of the scatterer provided the decision is made over multiple iterations. Moreover, presence of noise affects the estimate especially in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that gives a relatively large estimation error. However, for larger SNR the DOA estimation is primarily dependent on the scatterer only.


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How to Cite
Aslam, T., Ahmed, I., Aslam, M. I., Ali, S. M. U., & Malik, T. (2017). Direction of Arrival Estimation in the presence of Scatterer in noisy environment. Advanced Electromagnetics, 6(3), 33–40.
Research Articles
Author Biography

M. I. Aslam, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi

Associate Professor

Deparment of Electronic Engineering 

NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi


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