Sensitivity analysis to compute advanced stochastic problems in uncertain and complex electromagnetic environments

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S. Lalléchère
B. Jannet
P. Bonnet
F. Paladian


This paper deals with the advanced integration of uncertainties in electromagnetic interferences (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems.   In this context,  the Monte Carlo formalism may provide a reliable reference to proceed to statistical assessments.   After all, other  less  expensive  and  efficient  techniques  have  been implemented more recently (the unscented transform and stochastic collocation methods for instance) and will be illustrated through uncertain EMC problems. Finally, we will present how the use of sensitivity analysis techniques may offer an efficient complement to rough statistical or stochastic studies.


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Lalléchère, S., Jannet, B., Bonnet, P., & Paladian, F. (2012). Sensitivity analysis to compute advanced stochastic problems in uncertain and complex electromagnetic environments. Advanced Electromagnetics, 1(3), 13–23.
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